The Modal component lets you create dialogs, popovers, lightboxes, and other elements that force the user to take action before continuing.
useModal API
import { unstable_useModal as useModal } from '@mui/base/unstable_useModal';
// or
import { unstable_useModal as useModal } from '@mui/base';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children* | React.ReactElement | undefined | null | - | A single child content element. |
open* | boolean | - | If |
rootRef* | React.Ref<Element> | - | |
closeAfterTransition | boolean | false | When set to true the Modal waits until a nested Transition is completed before closing. |
container | PortalProps['container'] | - | An HTML element or function that returns one. The |
disableEscapeKeyDown | boolean | false | If |
disableScrollLock | boolean | false | Disable the scroll lock behavior. |
onClose | { bivarianceHack(event: {}, reason: 'backdropClick' | 'escapeKeyDown'): void }['bivarianceHack'] | - | Callback fired when the component requests to be closed. The |
onKeyDown | React.KeyboardEventHandler | - | |
onTransitionEnter | () => void | - | A function called when a transition enters. |
onTransitionExited | () => void | - | A function called when a transition has exited. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
exited | boolean | - | If |
getBackdropProps | <TOther extends EventHandlers = {}>(externalProps?: TOther) => UseModalBackdropSlotProps<TOther> | - | Resolver for the backdrop slot's props. |
getRootProps | <TOther extends EventHandlers = {}>(externalProps?: TOther) => UseModalRootSlotProps<TOther> | - | Resolver for the root slot's props. |
getTransitionProps | <TOther extends EventHandlers = {}>(externalProps?: TOther) => { onEnter: () => void; onExited: () => void } | - | Resolver for the transition related props. |
hasTransition | boolean | - | If |
isTopModal | () => boolean | - | If |
portalRef | React.RefCallback<Element> | null | - | A ref to the component's portal DOM element. |
rootRef | React.RefCallback<Element> | null | - | A ref to the component's root DOM element. |